


Appareil photo de Polly Perkins

Reproduction of the camera used by Gwyneth Paltrow in "Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow".

The movie propmen used a 1939 Argus C3, with 2 versions:
- basic version for wide shots
- another version with an older rewind button and especially a fake frame counter for shots where the number of remaining shots is important in the story

The reproduction is based on the same camera, with a scratchbuilt fake frame counter and the same rewind button than in the earlier model, the Argus C2.

PHOTOS GALLERY (click on photos to enlarge)

The Argus C3 on one of the movie posters

The camera found on Ebay

Modification of the bag color

The C3 basic version in the movie

My C3 in the basic version

The modified C3 version in the movie, with the fake frame counter

My C3 in the modified version